Work plan — Work packages, deliverables

The project is structured in 10 work packages . Based on the Nexus approach, essential and cross-thematic variables will be evaluated and identified for EO data usability for corresponding services. GEOEssential will define concepts and build workflows going beyond sectoral analysis to understand processes and interactions between different topics to increase efficiency on data use and information generation for resource efficient acting.

WP0 on Interoperability development will build the foundation of the project interoperability framework with its Key Enabling Technologies (KET) and the Knowledge base infrastructure for Essential Variables. WP1 on Data sharing, Management and Knowledge will essentially build the data management strategy. Both WP0 and WP1 will be partially shared with the three other Strands of ERA-PLANET. WP2 will continue the work of ConnectinGEO to engage with various stakeholders and update the list of EVs. WP3 will make available a maximum of GEOSS and Copernicus EV services. WP4, 5 and 6 will build different workflows from EVs to indicators in different domains. WP7 will bring together the outputs of the previous WPs to create a dashboard to of maps and indicators derived from EVs. WP8 will disseminate the outputs of the project while WP9 will deal with its management.