The project is structured in 10 work packages. Based on the Nexus approach, essential and cross-thematic variables will be evaluated and identified for EO data usability for corresponding services. GEOEssential will define concepts and build workflows going beyond sectoral analysis to understand processes and interactions between different topics to increase efficiency on data use and information generation for resource efficient acting.

WP0 on Interoperability development will build the foundation of the project interoperability framework with its Key Enabling Technologies (KET) and the Knowledge base infrastructure for Essential Variables . WP1 on Data sharing, Management and Knowledge will essentially build the data management strategy. Both WP0 and WP1 will be partially shared with the three other Strands of ERA-PLANET. WP2 will continue the work of ConnectinGEO to engage with various stakeholders and update the list of EVs. WP3 will make available a maximum of GEOSS and Copernicus EV services. WP4, 5 and 6 will build different workflows from EVs to indicators in different domains. WP7 will bring together the outputs of the previous WPs to create a dashboard to of maps and indicators derived from EVs. WP8 will disseminate the outputs of the project while WP9 will deal with its management.

WP Work Package Title
0 Interoperability, Data Sharing and Management development
1 Knowledge Management services
2 Stakeholder engagement and gaps in Essential Variables
3 GEOSS and Copernicus EVs services
4 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Workflows
5 Extractive industry & light monitoring Workflows
6 Food-Water-Energy Nexus Workflows
7 GEOEssential Dashboard: From EVs to Policy Goals
8 Dissemination, exploitation and Impacts
9 Project coordination and management
No. Deliverable name WP No Lead participant  Type1 Dissemination level2
D0.1 Data and Information interoperability 0 CNR P PU
D0.2 Data Management Plan 0 CREAF R PU
D0.3 Report on Interoperability 0 CNR R PU
D0.4 Report on contribution to ENEON 0 CREAF R PU
D1.1 Knowledge services architecture 1 CNR R PU
D1.2 Knowledge Base services Platform 1 CNR P PU
D1.3 Modelling and processing services 1 UNIPD O PU
D1.4 Semantic services 1 UNICAL O PU
D1.5 Data handling guidelines 1 SRI R PU
D1.6 Data Fusion guidelines 1 UNIPD R PU
D2.1 Stakeholders 2 IIASA R PU
D2.2 EVs list 2 UFZ R PU
D2.3 EVs Gap analysis 2 CREAF R PU
D3.1 Existing EV services 3 CREAF R PU
D3.2 Cross-domain EVs 3 GFZ R PU
D3.3 Existing Cal/Val Standards 3 FZJ R PU
D3.4 Existing processing platform 3 GFZ R PU
D4.1 EVs for Biodiversity and Ecosystems 4 CREAF O PU
D4.2 Distribution of plant species 4 GFZ P PU
D4.3 Resilience map and report 4 CNR R PU
D4.4 Contributions to relevant policy processes 4 MfN R PU
D4.5 Dataset for process-based models 4 SGN R PU
D4.6 Outputs to the Dashboard 4 UNIGE O
D5.1 EVs for extractives and artificial light 5 UNIGE R PU
D5.2 Methodology for monitoring the footprint of open mines 5 UNIGE R PU
D5.3 Improved MAP-X platform 5 UNIGE R PU
D5.4 Artificial light trends analysis 5 GFZ P, R PU
D5.5 Outputs to the Dashboard 5 UNIGE O PU
D6.1 Description of FWE EVs 6 CREAF R PU
D6.2 Description of workflow 6 IIASA R PU
D6.3 FEW Integration 6 IIASA DEM PU
D6.4 Outputs to the Dashboard 6 UNIGE O PU
D7.1 Selection of the EVs 7 UNIGE R PU
D7.2 GEOEssential Indicators Toolbox 7 CREAF O PU
D7.3 Dynamic maps and graphs on EVs 7 UNIGE O PU
D7.4 EVs and policy indicators toolbox 7 UNIGE O PU
D7.5 GEOEssential Dashboard and report 7 UNIGE O PU
D7.6 Upscaling of the dashboard at a global level 7 CNR R RE
D8.1 EVs for UN programs 8 AUTH R PU
D8.3 Dissemination toolkit 8 AUTH R PU
D8.4 Scientific publications 8 UNIGE O
D8.5 Communication toolkit 8 AUTH R PU
D8.6 Project Website 8 AUTH O PU
D9.1 Stakeholder groups 9 UNIGE R RE
D9.2 Quality and Risk 9 UNIGE R CO
D9.3 Mid-term progress report 9 UNIGE R CO
D9.4 Cooperation with other projects 9 UNIGE R PU
D9.5 Dissemination and Data Management plans 9 UNIGE R CO
D9.6 Final project report 9 UNIGE R PU

1 Type: R = Report, P = Prototype, DEM = Demonstrator, O = Other

2 Dissemination level:

PU = Public

PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services)

RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services)

CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)


0 Deliverables

D0.1: Data and Information interoperability infrastructure including APIs and feedback services and tools (2-3 development cycles are recommended, adopting a common approach among strands) [M14, M30] (CNR)

D0.2: Data Management Plan (three versions) [M06, M18, M36] (CREAF)

D0.3: Report on Interoperability with GCI, TEPs and DIAS instances (two versions) [M18, M36]

D0.4: Report on contribution to ENEON and GEO in-situ foundational task [M36] (CREAF)

1 Deliverables

D1.1: GEOEssential Knowledge Base services Platform architecture [M10,24] (CNR)

D1.2 GEOEssential Knowledge Base services Platform (two versions) [M18, M30] (CNR)

D1.3 Modelling and processing services and tools (two versions) [M12, M24] (UNIPD)

D1.4 Semantic services (two versions) [M12, M24] (UNICAL)

D1.5 Data handling guidelines (two versions) [M12, M24] (SRI)

D1.6 Data Fusion guidelines (two versions) [M12, M24] (UNIPD)

2 Deliverables

D2.1: Institutional analysis of stakeholders and end users (IIASA) [M12]

D2.2: Unified list of EVs that reflects the cross-disciplinarity of the EV concept (UFZ) [M12]

D2.3: Report for EVs gap analysis and prioritization (CREAF) [M18]

3 Deliverables

D3.1: Report for existing services (e.g. data access, usability, content, user) (CREAF) [M09]

D3.2: Report of cross-domain EVs derived from EO data (GFZ) [M21]

D3.3: White paper or report on existing Cal/Val Standards for Cal/Val of EO-based products with focus on EVs (FZJ) [M24]

D3.4: Status report of existing processing platform/data access/methods/validation. Dataset of preprocessed Sentinel images (optional) (GFZ) [M27]

4 Deliverables

D4.1: Report on EVs for Biodiversity and Ecosystems (CREAF)[M18]

D4.2: Report and maps on the distribution of plant species abundances/diversity, habitat types, and habitat quality indicators at different scales (GFZ)[M32]

D4.3: Resilience map and report on observed correlation across EBVs of interest (CNR)[M32]

D4.4:  Working paper on strategies, recommendations of focal points and pathways to contribute to relevant policy processes (IPBES, CBD GBO, CBD biodiversity reporting Aichi targets, UNEP GEO) (MfN)[M32]

D4.5: A report/white paper on model input and evaluation dataset for process-based models (SGN)[M32]

D4.6: Delivery of outputs to the SDG Dashboard (UNIGE) [M33]

5 Deliverables

D5.1: Report on EVs for extractives and artificial light monitoring (UNIGE)[M18]

D5.2: Online tool for monitoring the footprint of open mines (UNIGE)[M36]

D5.3: Improved MAP-X platform for the extractive sector including interoperability with the GEOSS dashboard and Copernicus (UNIGE) [M36]

D5.4: Online artificial light trends analysis tool (GFZ) [M18]

D 5.5: Delivery of outputs to the SDG Dashboard (UNIGE) [M33]

6 Deliverables

D6.1: Description of FWE EVs (CREAF) [M6]

D6.2: Description of workflow / case study(s) (IIASA) [M12]

D6.3: Description of FWE integration (IIASA) [M30]

D6.4: Delivery of outputs to the SDG Dashboard (UNIGE) [M 33]

7 Deliverables

D7.1: Report on the selection of the EVs for inclusion in the GEOEssential Indicators toolbox and Dashboard (SGN) [M13]

D7.2: GEOEssential Indicators Toolbox & report (CREAF) [M28]

D7.3: Dynamic maps and graphs on EVs (UNIGE)[M30]

D7.4: EVs and policy indicators toolbox (UNIGE) [M30]

D7.5: GEOEssential Dashboard and report (UNIGE) [M36]

D7.6: Report on the upscaling of the dashboard at a global level (CNR)[M36]

8 Deliverables

D8.1: Best practice white paper on use of EVs for UN programs [M12]

D8.2: MOOC about the use of EV to assess progress towards policy goals [M36]

D8.3: Dissemination toolkit for EV services and GEOEssential dashboard [M3]

D8.4: Compendium of scientific publications [M36]

D8.5: Communication toolkit [M3]

D8.6: Project Website [M1]

9 Deliverables

D9.1 Project stakeholder groups composition and communication channels (UNIGE)[M6]

D9.2 Quality and Risk Contingency Plan (UNIGE) [M12]

D9.3 Mid-term progress report (UNIGE)[M18]

D9.4 Cooperation with other relevant project and initiatives report (UNIGE)[M18]

D9.5 Dissemination and Data Management plans (UNIGE) [M24]

D9.6 Final project report (UNIGE)[M36]